Stroke Treatment.

A stroke is the sudden interruption in brain flow. The most common type of stroke is the ischemic storke, which occurs when a blood vessel responsible with supplying oxygen to the brain is obstructed.

Every person we treat is unique. Correct evaluation and diagnosis by our doctors ensures that the treatment methods they recommend will specifically suit you. Carefully chosen methods pave the way to our goal: your healthy and successful relief.

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Stem Cells
and Stroke

Severe reductions in blood flow that occur in strokes can seriously damage parts of the brain or could even be fatal. The best treatment for someone suffering a stroke is to get treatment as quickly as possible to restore blood flow. Brain (neural) stem cells can make any cell in the brain and will naturally repair small amounts of brain damage. Researchers hope that neural stem cell treatments might be able to help stroke victims by partially repairing brain damage.

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We always recommend a personal consultation. The advantage is that the treatment process is quicker and you get the personal supervision of a doctor as well.

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Stem Cell Studies

Research has shown that MSCs can help stroke sufferers recover. Mesenchymal Stem Cells can increase the levels of brain protection and improve overall neurological functions after a stroke. The natural anti-inflammatory and regenerative qualities of MSCs can potentially reduce cell death and help normalize ischemia-induced changes that occured after an ischemia stroke. Also, MSCs can stimulate the secretion of cytokines which play a key role in neurological functions.

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