Kidney Disease Treatment.

Chronic kidney disease (aka chronic kidney failure) is the gradual loss of functions in the kidney, your vital filtering organ. Symptoms may not be apparent until the kidney damage is great. Advanced stages of kidney disease could lead to a dangerous buildup of fluid, electrolytes, and waste in the body.

Every person we treat is unique. Correct evaluation and diagnosis by our doctors ensures that the treatment methods they recommend will specifically suit you. Carefully chosen methods pave the way to our goal: your healthy and successful relief.

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Stem Cells
and Kidney Disease

Mesenchymal stem cells are the body’s natural defense against kidney damage. Found in the bone marrow, these stem cells protect the kidneys from injury and accelerate healing.

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We always recommend a personal consultation. The advantage is that the treatment process is quicker and you get the personal supervision of a doctor as well.

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Stem Cell Studies

Research has shown us that MSCs can be transplanted into the damaged area and differentiate into the ever vital tubular epithelial cells. These stem cells can restore renal function and structure and is a quality that is distinctive of MSCs.

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