Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease of the lung. The lungs are the organs found in the chest which are invloved in breathing. Air enters the nose and mouth, then travels to the lungs via the trachea, which divides into smaller airways called bronchi and, subsequently, bronchioles. (See diagram below). The lung tissue itself is a spongy material, consisting of a series of folded membranes (the alveoli) which are located at the ends of very fine branching air passages (bronchioles). COPD is a disease of the smaller airways in the lungs.

Every person we treat is unique. Correct evaluation and diagnosis by our doctors ensures that the treatment methods they recommend will specifically suit you. Carefully chosen methods pave the way to our goal: your healthy and successful relief.

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Stem Cells
and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Mesechymal stem cells may release immunosuppressive factors which help alleviate and avoid further progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis. These stem cells can potentially repair cartilage and joint tissue. Also, stem cell therapy may aid tissue repair in damaged joints.

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We always recommend a personal consultation. The advantage is that the treatment process is quicker and you get the personal supervision of a doctor as well.

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Stem Cell Studies

Stem cell transplantation patients may experience quality of life and function improvements. Recent studies have shown that adipose (fat) stem cells reduce inflammation in the airway alveoli in response to cigarette smoke exposure or other airway irritants, and also decreased lung cell death.

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