Become a Thrive Stem Cell Expert

Thrive Stem Cell works with some of the leading minds in the regenerative medicine industry and is on the leading edge of technology and development. With over 3.6 million related searches a year, regenerative medicine is exploding, and stem cells are poised to be the largest increase in the industry for years to come. If you want to be a part of history and changes peoples lives along the way... this is your chance! We provide the a turn key solution, brand power, marketing, advertising,technology, support, training, and leads so you can focus on your patience and your practice!


The first step is to complete the sign up form.


Leading stem cell expert Dr. Seth Camhi provides world class seminars, webinars, and shadowing.


Once you have completed training with one of our Thrive Stem Cell experts you will become a certified Thrive stem cell provider.


Thrive provides you with a turn key marketing and sales solution to get you up and running fast!

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Add $300,000 in revenue to your practice
with 1 stem cell treatment per week

This makes you more appealing to patients experiencing more than one issue or those who’ve tried one particular remedy unsuccessfully and are looking for another more viable option without having to switch doctors to get it. That’s why a number of DCs are considering adding stem cell treatments to their practice.

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Stem cell transplantation is a very new area of medicine. There are still so many unanswered questions about this particular treatment remedy, many health professionals are choosing to hold off on this type of expansion. Thive Stem Cell offer the proper training and education, helping you make this decision a good addition to your current service offerings.

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Stem cell treatment benefits

There is a lot of ongoing research to determine what types of conditions stem cell treatments benefit. The most common deal with joint related issues, like knees, shoulders, hips, arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis show the best results.

Add Stem Cell Therapy to your Practice

Thrive Stem Cell is a full-service Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell provider and support your company. We provide in-clinic training, along with the ongoing support and informational services for Health Care Professionals.

Our mission is to provide the safest, cleanest and highest viability Umbilical Cord Blood products along with support, training and business opportunities.

We provide the brand power, marketing, advertising, technology, support, and training

Every one of our members can leverage our brand, and help their practice grow and see their revenue soar. Every members gets a fully optimized portal to not only leverage our national advertising, but also win on a local level.

Sign in Up.

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with one of our specialists?
